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  • About us

    2W 3 Hour Non-Maintained Emergency

    • Non-maintained LED emergency train
    • 3 Hour emergency duration
    • 2W High power LED
    • Includes LED driver and NiMH battery in a mesh sleeve
    • Compact downlight fits into a 40mm cut-out
    • 1 Year Warranty

    Includes LED driver and NiMH battery in a mesh sleeve. Compact downlight fits into a 44mm cut-out.

    Available from Wholesalers Nationwide

    Please Note: We do not recommend mixing LED's circuits with products such as extractor fans.This is due to the sensitive nature of LED's and is not product specific.

    # EN-EMLD5
    3W 3 Hour Non-Maintained Emergency
    # EN-EMLD5ST
    3W 3 Hour Non-Maintained Emergency with Self Test Function