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How can LED Lighting & Smart Technology Reduce Energy Costs?
A question asked on many occasions is what energy savings can be made when upgrading to LED lighting and by adding smart technology.
Understanding Lighting Designs Webinar
Aurora Lighting have a dedicated team of Lighting Designers here to help create lighting schemes for a range of different applications. When creating lighting schemes it is important to ensure that the correct number of fittings are included to create the desired effect, whilst also keeping to budget.
How Does a Smart Building Benefit your Business?
Building overheads are a significant cost for any building owner/user. However, in a smart building everything can be managed more effectively to cater for a business’s specific requirements, making your building a key part of your business.
What is a Smart Building?
Buildings of yesterday were built to provide shelter, temperature control and safety. Today buildings offer and present a lot more benefits and solutions thanks to the evolution of technology, and in particular smart technology. So what is a smart building?
TPA/TPB Ratings Webinar
UK Building Regulations state that when designing and constructing a building Internal Fire Spread needs to be considered so that in the event of fire, the building's stability will be maintained for a reasonable period. This webinar will detail the TP requirements needed when specifying LED lighting, specifically LED panels, in certain environments.
Make a Warehouse Smart: Increase efficiency, Wellbeing & Energy Savings
Many warehouses and distribution centres are wrestling with increasing costs and delivery demands at lower costs. Smart technology will be key to these challenges.
I-joists & Fire Rated Downlights Webinar
When specifying lighting for new builds with I-Joists it is important that the correct products are used that have undergone testing in line with NHBC guidelines. Aurora Lighting has recently tested a range of popular Fire Rated Downlights with joist manufacturers.
Top Tips for selecting the correct and compliant downlights for your new build!
Over 170,000 new homes were built throughout the UK in 2019 and with so many new properties being built it is important to ensure that the correct and compliant products are being specified and installed.
Creating the Best Lighting Scheme for the Office Environment
Employee wellbeing whilst at work is important to ensure productivity levels remain at a high standard.
The Essential Guide to Lighting Design
Lighting schemes, they’re everywhere. Some are well designed and thought out and others...not so much. But what’s the difference between a good and bad lighting scheme?