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Light up Property Exteriors, Driveways & Decking with Driveovers & Walkovers
When it comes to illuminating the front or back of a house, there are various types of lighting to choose from. However, there is one little gem that should definitely not be overlooked.
Why is Quality Lighting Important for Warehouses?
The fitting and maintenance of warehouse lighting can be expensive and often requires specialist equipment. Although quality lighting can be a higher upfront cost, selecting cheaper options will only lead to additional costs at a later date.
Lighting & Hospitality in 2020
The past four months have caused many businesses in the hospitality sector a significant amount of anxiety and uncertainty, with some, very sadly, permanently even having to close their doors.
Can Smart Technology Help Decarbonise Commercial Buildings?
According to the UKGBC, the built environment contributes around 40% of the UK’s total carbon footprint, half of which is operational and the other is due to plug loads and cooking. New buildings are constructed using more energy efficient solutions, however, 80% of buildings in 2050 will already have been built, so one of the major priorities is to decarbonise existing properties.
Health and Safety a priority in Buildings following Covid-19
It is clear from recent headlines that, following the lockdown, many companies are allowing employees to slowly return to the office. For those that are, many are grouping staff together and organising allocated or alternate office days to ensure social distancing measures remain in place and the safety of employees is firmly at the top of the agenda.
Lighting Leads the way in a Supermarket
The layout of any retail outlet, such as a supermarket, luxury chain or department store, guides shoppers and influences purchasing behaviour. Where products are placed often results in what a shopper ends up with at the cashier.
Smart Lighting Makes Every Dining Event an Experience
Are you currently looking at renovating a dining room? Is it being used for different purposes: a study area for a teenager? A family or a romantic dining area? A games room? And what about dinner parties?
How to Create Magnificent Moods with LED Strip
LED strip lighting is increasingly popular for adding decorative style and ambience to lighting projects, both indoors and outdoors. It’s versatile and inexpensive whilst quick and easy to fit; and it has the ability to change the setting and atmosphere of a room in an instant.
Bringing Beacons into the Light
A beacon is a bit like a lighthouse in that it repeatedly transmits a signal that other devices can see. However, it broadcasts a radio signal, rather than visible light, formulated by a combination of numbers and letters, which are transmitted at regular intervals.
Why are Bulkheads Becoming Increasingly Popular?
LED bulkhead lights connect to a wall or surface. Ideal for applications in healthcare, residential, commercial and industrial environments, they are an excellent LED energy saving solution, and with emergency and microwave technology, their popularity is growing faster than ever before.