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What is Emergency Lighting and why do we need it?
In the event of an emergency, for example a fire, it is vital that the building is compliant to ensure a safe and quick evacuation. Emergency lighting is vital to ensure this compliance is met.
What are the benefits of Colour Tuneable Lighting?
If you’re looking at smart lighting solutions then you have probably heard of colour tuneable lighting, but what is it and what benefits can it offer you and your clients?
What are the benefits of Smart Lighting?
Smart Lighting is a new and popular technology allowing control over your lighting via a smartphone or tablet, with automation and personalisation. There are a whole range of features you can benefit from when you choose to install smart lighting throughout the home.
Inline Dimmer: A Smart, Quick & Cost Effective Solution
When you are initially looking into smart home technology and at all the brands and products available, it can easily become very confusing knowing where to start. If you want a simple, quick and cost effective solution for you or your clients, Aurora has the ideal range of products.
Maintained & Non-Maintained Emergency Lighting
When using emergency products it is important to ensure you are using the correct type of lighting for specific applications.
Self Test Vs Manual Test Emergency Lighting
Aurora Lighting has launched a comprehensive Emergency range that benefits from an option of Self Test or Manual Test options. But what is the difference between Self Test and Manual Test and which option is best for your application?
What is TP Rating?
When specifying LED panels into a lighting scheme it is important to consider the TP requirements for that particular application.
Out in the Light
Carried by entrepreneurial spirit, Aurora Lighting has been quick to embrace the Internet of Things (IoT) in lighting concept through its highly successful and ever-developing AOne control system Independent research has concluded that Aurora Lighting is now the most recognised lighting brand in the UK.
Fire Rated Product Testing: It can’t be underestimated
When faced with a fire, people come first. Trying to get as many people out of their home safely is the priority. But in an ideal world, it would be good if as much of the building could be saved too, especially when considering rebuilding or refurbishing costs.
Fire Protection: Why fire rated solutions are important
Paul Davidson, Global Training and Project Services Manager, discusses the importance of fire rating regulations and finding the right solution for your project…