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Value Beyond Illumination: Lighting, the IoT and consumers
It’s taken a long time to move lighting up the retail agenda, despite its core importance to the in-store experience Yet this legacy element of the store interior has in fact become the ideal infrastructure for what we at Aurora Lighting like to call Value Beyond Illumination.
Amazon Go and the bid for frictionless retail
At the heart of the retail revolution, Amazon continues to reshape and influence the entire retail sector and frictionless payment is its latest target Retail loves new terminology and the Holy Grail right now is frictionless retail.
Gooee inside: Rewriting the retail rulebook
Anyone visiting the Aurora Lighting stand at EuroShop will see something unique, lighting products working with the Gooee IoT technology and providing a next gen customer experience. Aurora will be unveiling its smart lighting proposition and demonstrating how a Gooee enabled, Aurora smart lighting solution will enable significantly enhanced building intelligence and provide energy efficiency, human engagement and space optimisation.
Retail: The intelligence inside
The lines between technology, retail and experience are blurring and lighting is at the heart of a retail revolution. Anyone looking for clear and present evidence of the seismic shift in shopping patterns need look no further than the influential US market.
The investment case for improved in-store lighting has always faced a challenge: financial metrics. Proving savings is one thing, proving sales, well that’s another. But that is about to change, with a new generation of connected lighting products that enable retailers and shopping centre owners to deliver higher sales, reduce energy consumption and provide a platform to understand more about when, where and how consumers are shopping.